
Roast Level


Tasting Notes

Cinder toffee, dark chocolate, praline. 

What's in it?

A blend of coffees from the Americas and Asia

What is it good for?


Additional Notes

You asked for it, we developed it; a high quality dark roast coffee. If Chocolate Point isn't quite dark enough, then this is the blend for you.

Dark roast coffee can often be bitter, burnt and unpleasant tasting, but not this one. We use the same quality of coffee we use for all our blends and roast it to the point where the sugars are caramelised, the body is heavy and the mouthfeel is syrupy and sweet. This coffee is very low in the acidity stakes. It certainty isn't the most complex coffee we offer but it is one of the most satisfying.

Watching a shot of Twilight extract is a beautiful thing, it is old school espresso with a crema bomb on top and tiger strip flecking. It is the espresso of the David Schomer era and is not for feint of heart!


Espresso ratio of 1 - 2

An example

Espresso - 18g in 36g out over 32 seconds. If you can adjust the temperature take it down to 90c. If you can pressure profile then start at 9bars and decline steadily.


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Twilight Blend

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